Thursday, 6 June 2019

15 questions all people may have

  1. What is the most common problem transgender people face? 
  2. Are there transgender communities in Tokyo? 
  3. Do transgender people think in different ways from others? 
  4. What defines a transgender person? 
  5. Have transgender people always exhisted? 
  6. Is being trasgender a mental illness? 
  7. How does someone know they are transgender? 
  8. What kind of relationships do transgender people have? 
  9. Are there categories of transgender? 
  10. What would be the best reaction a parent could have towards their transgender child? 
  11. Why are some people transgender? 
  12. Is being transgender a negative or positive thing?
  13.  How do transgender people make a gender transition? 
  14. What is the difference between sex and gender?
  15.  What country is most accepting of transgender individuals? What country is not? 

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